Nuclear Iran, Reloaded

In the Reloaded version of my blog, I'll write about Iran, its nuclear program, its culture, and most importantly, myself.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Obscurity is an essence

After taking weeks of home-wrapped consultation prescription medicine, the negotiators from both sides have re-gained their momentum and re-calibrated their coordination to get back to the table fresh and strong. As usual both sides distribute propaganda to examine the other side's reaction; Rock-solid Europe says "cessation is cessation", while Iran insists in its idea of utilizing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only.
An Iranian diplomat praises the French president for
backing Iran's new proposal while Iran is accused of smuggling Uranium from its monitored sites, a charge that Iran denies.
Outside the playground the Iran-born
Katsov claims he shook hand with Khatami and at the same time Sharon reassesses the ruled-out options about Iran on the table in Texas (aside from reviewing the "peace road map" play!).
The only thing I don't understand is the reason behind Katsav's claim. I have not seen any picture of the actual hand-shaking. At least one picture should have gone public after
Khatami's denial if it actually occurred during the pope's funeral.


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